James Weeks
(1922 - 1998)
Light Studio
d. 1965
Oil on canvas
65" x 78½"
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA)
James Weeks Solo Exhibition
James Weeks (1922 - 1998)
Education, Awards and Teaching
1947 B.A., California School of Fine Arts (CSFA), Hartwell School of Design
1951 Teacher, CSFA, 1948-1951; Studied at Escuela de Pintara y Escultura, Mexico City, Mexico
1952 Recipient, Abraham Rosenberg Fellowship
1958 Part-time Teacher, CSFA
1959 Teacher, Graduate Painting, California College of Arts and Crafts (replaced Richard Diebenkorn)
1960 Teacher, San Francisco Museum of Art
1967 Teacher, UCLA (on faculty with Richard Diebenkorn)
1970 Associate Professor, Boston University
1975 Professor, Boston University Chair, Art Department, Boston University
1985 Hirschl and Adler Modern, New York, NY also in 1988 (solo)
1978 Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA (traveled to the Oakland Museum) (solo)
1977 Charles Campbell Gallery, San Francisco, CA also in 1981 (solo)
1971 Boston University Art Gallery, Boston, MA (solo)
1965 San Francisco Museum of Art, San Fransico, CA (solo)
1965 One Hundred Contemporary American Drawings, Museum of Art, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
1965 Contemporary American Painting and Sculpture, Krannert Art Museum, University of Illionois, Champaign, IL
1965 Selections from the Work of California Artists, Witte Memorial Museum, San Antonio, TX
1964 Sixty-Seventh Annual American Exhibition; Directions in Contemporary Painting and Sculpture, The Art Institute of Chicago
1964 Seven California Painters, Staempfli Gallery, New York, NY
1964 Pittsburgh International Exhibition of Contemporary Painting and Sculpture, Museum of Art, Carnegie Instutute, Pittsburgh, PA
1964 Felix Landau Gallery, Los Angeles, CA 1970 (solo)
1963 Eighty Second Annual Exhibition of the San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA
1963 Artists West of the Mississippi: The Realistic Image, Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, Colorado spring, CO
1962 Figure Painting in America, Birminham Museum of Art, Alabama; Some Points of View, '62, Stanford University Art Museum, Stanford, CA
1962 San Francisco Nine, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, TX
1962 Fourth Winter Invitational, California Palace of the Legion of Honor,
1962 Five Decades of the Figure, State University of Iowa Art Gallery, Iowa City, IA
1961 Faculty Exhibition, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA
1961 Winter Invitational, California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, CA
1960 Poindexter Gallery, New York, NY also in 1961, 1963, 1965 (solo)
1960 Winter Invitational, California Palace of the Legion of Honor, CA
1958 East-West Gallery, San Francisco, CA (solo)
1958 Artist Member's Exhibition, California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, CA
1957 Contemporary Bay Area Figurative Painting, Oakland Art Museum, Oakland, CA
1955 "6" Gallery, San Francisco, CA (solo)
1953 California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, CA (solo)
1953 72nd Annual Painting and Sculpture Exhibition of the San Francsico Art Association, San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco CA
1953 Works by Four Contemporary Artists: Jeremy Anderson, James Weeks, Hassel Smith, Ernest Briggs, California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, CA
1951 California School of Fine Arts Faculty Show, M.H. de Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco, CA
1951 Lucien Labaudt Art Gallery, San Francisco, CA also in 1957(solo)