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Richard Ayer
(1909 - 1967)

d. 1949
Oil on canvas
35¼" x 47½"

Estate of Richard Ayer

Exhibited (Label Verso)
San Francisco Art Association
San Francisco Museum of Art

Richard Ayer (1909 -1967)


Post War California artist Richard Ayer studied at the California School of Fine Arts 1934, 1946-1948. 


Solo Exhibitions
San Francisco Museum of Art, 1940
Lucien Labaudt Gallery, San Francisco, 1950
Vesuvio Cafe, San Francisco, 1954
Glad Hand Restaurant, Sausalito, 1954


Selected Group Exhibitions
59th Annual Painting and Sculpture Exhibition of the San Francisco Art Association at the San Francisco Museum of Art, 1939

61st Annual Painting and Sculpture Exhibition of the San Francisco Art Association at the San Francisco Museum of Art, 1941

62nd Annual Painting and Sculpture Exhibition of the San Francisco Art Association at the San Francisco Museum of Art, 1942

63rd Annual Painting and Sculpture Exhibition of the San Francisco Art Association at the San Francisco Museum of Art, 1943

20th Annual Exhibition, Northwest Printmaker, Seattle Art Museum

San Francisco Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, 1947 (hon. mention)

69th Annual Painting and Sculpture Exhibition of the San 

Francisco Art Association at the San Francisco Museum of Art, 1950

73rd Annual Painting and Sculpture Exhibition of the San Francisco Art Association at the San Francisco Museum of Art, 1954

The Art Bank of the San Francisco Art Association, 1958, 59, 60


Public Collections

San Francisco Maritime Museum

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Rancho Mirage, CA 92270   
Tel: 831-601-0584


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